Edit a Booked Time Entry

You can quickly change the type or description of a booked time entry.

Tip: Perform this procedure if you need to change the values of a booked time entry's Type or Description fields. To change the duration, it is quicker to locate the booked time entry in your calendar grid, then click and drag on the top or bottom edge to resize it to reflect the correct duration. To reschedule a booked time entry—that is, to change the day and/or time—it is quicker to select, drag, and drop the booked time entry in your calendar grid.

To edit a booked time entry, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the booked time entry in your calendar grid and click to select it. The booked time entry's information appears in the Booked Time tab.
  2. Make the appropriate changes to the type or description. The Update button at the bottom of the tab becomes enabled.
  3. Click Update. The booked time information in your calendar grid is updated to reflect your changes.